Taylor Molly: What Teachers Make

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Understanding By Design: Stage 1


  1. Michelle,
    I love your topic and I think it's something that is getting more press now but still isn't recognized enough. The only question I have for you is what is the difference between the knowledge column saying, "navigate through the internet" and the skill column saying, "searching through the internet". They seem the same to me.

  2. Thank you Tim... Umm that is a great question? I think I meant with the skill being able to actually use the various parts of the internet to know the appropriate words to search and sites, etc... Am I saying this the right way? Do you think that you could help me restate it? Thanks :)

  3. Michelle,

    First off, I love that your second goal involves transferring the knowledge from the first goal into an authentic context. Secondly, the only question I would have for you is what "implementing technology into the classroom" would like. Lastly, your UbD document is great but, to make it even better, I would suggest rethinking one or two of your essential questions and enduring understandings. To elaborate, as the teachers, hopefully, already ready know "why it is important to work together" and "understand the importance of individual's feelings," those represent lessons for the students to learn. What exactly should the teachers be walking away with from the workshops?
